Polypectomy snare, cold, Half-hexagonal

Polypectomy snare for the cold removal of polyps from the gastrointestinal tract by means of an endoscope through a natural opening.

-Monofilament wire

-without HF-Connection

-infinitely adjustable

-Tube end with metal head

Item-No.: CAPS C


Polypectomy snare for the cold removal of polyps from the gastrointestinal tract by means of an endoscope through a natural opening. . Sterile, durable for 5 Years.


  • Monofilament wire
  • without HF-Connection
  • infinitely adjustable
  • Tube end with metal head

Special features:

  • particularly Suitable for mucosal abrasions
  • To avoid perforations when strong epithelia are accruing

Youtube: https://youtu.be/dPzQnivjl1g

Application FieldCone Ø in mmsnare Ø in mmCone length in cm Working Channel in mm 1 pack in Pcs.
gastroscopy and colonoscopy2.4 mm10mm230cmstarting at 2.8 mm5 Pcs.

Technische Informationen


Technical Information

Cone and Snare Ø

2.4 mm and 10.0mm

Cone length


Working Channel

from 2.8mm


Positive, 5 Years durable

1 pack

5 Pcs.

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